Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Facebooking made Easier

Hello facebookers, here’s a list of short hand and short keys representing emoticons to be used in instant messaging. You can now facebook chat easier, faster and interesting: ENJOY!
1.       Shorthand for Laughing out Loud or Laugh out Loud, LOL is the most commonly used chat expressions to illustrate you are laughing during a text conversation or that you found something funny. LOL is also less commonly short for Lots of Laughter and Laughing on Line and is also often substituted by LAL, LAWL (Laughing a Whole Lot), LOLZ, and LUL. Although already an abbreviation LOL is also sometimes abbreviated even more as LL.
Finally, LAWL is also used as a slang term that phonetically spells out 'lol'. This is often said in the real life or over VoIP by someone who may type in lol a lot in chat.
 Although not as common as the above definition of LOL, this term can also mean Lots of Love and may be something added at the end of an e-mail, letter, or other correspondence.
 Short for Lots of Luck, LOL is another way of wishing someone good luck. This term could also be used sarcastically as telling someone they don't have a chance.
2.      Emoticon
Alternatively referred to as a smiley face or smiles, an emoticon is a method of showing an emotion on the Internet and text-based communication such as email, chat, and SMS. Emoticons are letters or symbols used on the keyboard to represent what you are feeling, for example, :-) when your head is turned to the left represents a smiley. The smiley face is often credited as being first suggested by Professor Scott Fahlman on a bulletin board September 19, 1982 when he made the below post.
19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman :-)
From: Scott E Fahlman <Fahlman at Cmu-20c>

I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:


Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use

Below is a listing of some of the more commonly used emoticons and a description of what they represent.
Laughing smile
Face with tongue out.
Face with tongue out.
Face with tongue out.
Face with tongue out.
Ronald Reagan
Big wet kiss
Lips are sealed
Tongue Tied
Person with bow tie.
Cross Eyed
Smile with sunglasses
Smile with sunglasses shown from one side.
Foot in mouth
Drunk Smile
Yuppie Smile
Smile with flat top
Big eyed Smile
Crying smile
Smile with baseball cap
Brain dead Smile
Really unhappy smile
Mickey mouse
Imperial Tie Fighter from "Star Wars"
Heart (I love you).
Broken Heart


A time management guru (Alan Lakein) once said, "Time = Life; Therefore, waste your time and waste off your life, or master your time and master your life." As arguably as this equation may seem, it's valid. Time, like life, is one of humanities greatest resources. But unfortunately, it is non-renewable; time wasted is time lost.
Most of us are familiar with the famous proverb, "Time and tide waits for no one". This is also true. The reason is if you lose a minute, you are not going to retrieve it again. There are days, when you would have worked continuously from sunrise till sunset, yet could not complete your work. Have you wondered why this happens? The one and only reason is because you have not prioritized your task and not understood the importance of time management.

Remember, one of the most important commodities that supermarket lack is "TIME". One may ask, “Why is time management so important?” The answer to this is simple, time is limited and scarce.

You must be aware each individual has the same number of hours, yet you would notice some people complaining about lack of time. You are bound to get out of focus, when there is "so little" time and you have "so much to do". Hence, for efficient time management it is important to set priorities and meet deadlines. When you start prioritizing things, you would notice that there is enough time for crucial activities in life.

Neither the rich nor the poor can store time. The quota of 24 hours is given to both the rich and the poor. The main difference between fame and failure lies in how one uses time skilfully. Hence, time management is all about wise usage of time.

Time management helps in organizing yourself. If you could allot certain amount of time for each work or an activity, you would have no worries about achieving your target. Time management is all about getting organized.

Remember, time is needed for each and every activity you undertake. You should know how to divide your waking hours among the various activities of the day. This would ensure that a task is completed and the time used is accounted for. The importance of time management is: it helps in realizing or achieving your goal.

Finally, managing your time at workplace is of great importance. It would relieve you of the stress and strain of the work environment. Time management is a skill that could be acquired by practicing it religiously. Lessening your stress at workplace by practicing time management skills is important. Poor time management leads to backlogs and piling of work leads to unnecessary stress.

Time management skills help in increasing the efficiency at workplace. If you are able to finish your targets by managing your time well, you have an edge over your colleagues.

At workplace, you should know how to prioritize your work on the basis of urgency. If you are able to recognize the importance of time management at workplace, it helps to boost your work performance and makes you an efficient and effective employee.

Time management skills play an important and crucial role not only in personal life but also in your career life. As you climb the corporate ladder, you should be in a position to implement your time management skills effectively.

Friday, July 8, 2011


So as for you, the only reason why you are still alive because it is illegal to kill you! You give me the impression that, your absence in this life would affect not even a single thing. Why do you think that anything anyone does better is than yours? Yes you! You are the one I’m referring to. You saw your course mate vying for JCR presidency in Mensah Sarbah Hall and you thought contending for such positions was a thing for extremely intelligent people. Yes, of course leaders ought to be intelligent; but that is not my headache is. My problem is how you always belittle yourself and give others the chance to make you feel inferior.
When I was young, I used to think that anyone wearing glasses was a very intelligent person, who could in fact give you the solution to a mathematical equation on the spot. Today I know better. I know that, it is neither in strength, nor in age, appearance or wealth that true capacity always lies. Standing at a distance, you will always think you cannot do what others do. I preach this message to let you know that, looking down on yourself is a disgrace to your personality and makes you a liability to this world. Last week you lost a chance to do an exchange programme abroad just because you were so timid to stand up for the whole class to see you when the Head of Department came to mention your name in class. You got to know later about this and wept all day.
Sometimes we lose focus of our dreams just because of what someone says and we soon forget that certainly not everyone would like our dream. Well, I understand that you’ve made some efforts in the past to achieve a thing or two, but it failed because you lacked confidence. Marcus Garvey said: “Without confidence you lost the battle before you even started.”
You are in level 300; in case you’ve forgotten, let me remind you. And let me remind you also that you’ve never done any vacation attachment neither have you served on any board, nor joined any committee. You have been asked to lead group prayers at your church on several occasions but you declined with the reason that you did not think you had the skill to do it. Sometimes, I’m tempted to ask how you entered this university.
Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life he is living, when he knows that there is a lot to be achieved and that he has not utilized his potential. The Apostle Paul even after all the achievement he had attained said in Philippians that  he doesn’t consider himself to have gotten there, but one thing he does is that he press on towards the goal forgetting about the past. If you choose to continue this way you are telling the world that you belong to the temperament type: “I can’t do it” but I am here to give you a new a manner of life; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Emancipate yourself from the philosophy that holds you inferior to all manner of people. Never allow anyone to laud over. I urge you to be ambitious and let out your full potentials. Give yourself a new vision and don’t let it die! Someday, you will come to understand what Helen Keller meant when she said; “You people pity blind people, but I pity a man without a vision.”
As you journey through this university, always remember that you are not in competition with any student; you are neither inferior nor superior, you are simply you and that YOU is unique. All the best!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


What has been invented by a 23 year old former student of Harvard University? What has been able to amass over 30 million registered members? Where can you post free classifieds, give gifts, develop your own application or graffiti? What comes into mind when I say “write on the wall”? What is the second only to MySpace in terms of registered membership? OK. Obvious answer. FACEBOOK!
Facebook has become a toast of students today especially those of the Universities. What exactly has facebook done to keep attracting all closer and closer to its concept? What are the benefits it offers and what are its implications? Is it really addictive? For those of you facebook lovers this is a must read piece.
Facebook’s aim is to connect students all over the world. Originally, facebook was developed to connect students at Harvard who offered similar courses or had something in common. Today students in over 300,000 registered institutions can sign up to catch up with friends, family and acquaintances all over the world.
However, there remains a growing concern on how addictive facebook could actually be. In lecture halls, in rooms, at meetings or even on streets around campus, fingers are quickly scaling phones and laptops with simultaneously glued eyes. Once in a while, you will see a student burst out in thunderous laughter or mild giggle. At another time, when you are seriously trying to engage in rote learning (chew and pour), a roommate of yours makes a comment such as “ei girls are wicked” stimulating your anticipated curiosity.
What is the most intriguing thing about facebook? Is the excitement one feels when one meets a friend one has not met in ages or it is the ability to add celebrities, which you have always dreamed of as a friend? Could it be crazy pictures your friends always tag you in or maybe it is the hidden motive of meeting the girl or guy of your dreams online? For me, it is that paradoxical moment when a person makes a page-long statement and gets less than 20 comments but when someone writes “Aba!” and there are over a thousand comments wanting to know what happened. After studying trends, I have come to this conclusion: to meaningfully enjoy facebook, post the most captivating comments; not necessarily the longest ones.
On the positive side, facebook helps several people to constantly de-stress, reconnects long-lost friends and relatives and you can be sure to get the latest news by simply staying online the whole day. I personally know people who are dating people they met on facebook and some who have got job appointments online. So when it comes to the benefits facebook offers, we might probably never run out.
However, the obvious yet unnoticed effects are what may be of a bother to us. In the USA, for example, a female employee was sacked because her boss realized she spent most of her time facebooking instead of working. In Islamabad, the Islamic lawyers’ Union has called on ISPs to ban access to facebook because of a competition that invites other users to caricature the Prophet Mohammed, an act they deemed blasphemous.
Here at the Universities, students are spending more time facebooking than ever, which is very detrimental to their academic life. Consequently, we will see falling academic records and the resultant effect that could have on our economy. Costs involved are also worth noting. If you are not browsing for free, then you know what I am talking about. The amount of credit you would spend facebooking in a week could buy lunch. Try it and see. Also, after a hard day’s round of lectures, facebooking which is supposed to de-stress rather ends up robbing you of good rest and sleep which also takes its toll on your health. But thanks to regulated use of most of us, we do not often experience these negative effects.
It remains that facebook will continue to increase in numerical terms and even this inspirational article cannot stop that. The only advice for I have for you facebook lovers is that when facebooking, don’t forget to use it for something useful like grabbing (just kidding) and checking out the most useful literature to your course of study. And please don’t get addicted. I’m signing out!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The journey of a leader starts with the heart, with motivation and intent. Then it must travel through the head, which is the leader’s belief system (values), to their habits (attributes) and finally to their skills(what they do). When your heart, head habits and skills are aligned, extraordinary levels of loyalty, trust and productivity will result. When these areas are out of alignment, frustration mistrust and diminished long-term productivity will result.     Blanchard Ken